Welcome to my world!

Just a slight insight into the changes occurring in my life and all around me....

Monday 21 November 2011

The confusion continues....

My life has been quite the rollercoaster in the last few weeks and yet I still haven't the foggiest idea what I want to do with my life. However I did get quite the insight into one of my options.

I progressed quite far in an application process for a very attractive graduate programme, so far that I landed myself in LONDON for an interview. Yes, I was ecstatic and proud of my progression but the thought of flying to London on my own for a very important interview frankly terrified me! Opportunities like this didn't come around too often though and I had worked hard to get to this application round so I had to take the bull by the horns and go for it!

I had done these types of interviews before but to refresh my memory, I visited websites such as http://www.measurability.ie/competency-based-interview-skills/ and http://www.brightwater.ie/career-planning/Competency-Based-Interviews.aspx (YES - that company from The Apprentice!) for help. I do wonder how people survived without the internet. Anyway, the usual STAR technique appeared everywhere and answer prep wasn't to difficult thanks to my summer placement!

Off I set at 6am in the morning in my business attire and small suitcase feeling very professional. Ironically, I bumped into some girls I knew heading to London for a birthday session and I did feel slightly jealous, but no! I was growing up so I tried to feel good about it! Found my way to the interview location (after a scary tube trip) 2 hours early so waited in Starbucks and revised my prep. I was distracted though by all the businesses and their employees rushing about around me probably working extremely long hours just to get a powerpoint perfected. Was this where I wanted to be??

My brain turned to mush after looking at this!

The interview went smoothly apart from "Can you tell me when you've convinced a senior stakeholder of an idea of yours?" to which I nearly had a heart attack in response to! I'm a student who has part-time work experience and an internship under her belt, not a professional who has dined and liased with chief executives and other senior representatives! I held my own though and no matter what the outcome, that day was a huge step for me. Yes I'm still confused but hey at least I'm trying to figure it out and possibly getting somewhere.

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